Stories and Sound Bites

Stories & Sound Bites

For journalists and brands: Stories and Sound Bites is a weekly free packet of story ideas we are developing all about the world of cleaning. It’s designed to give you the tools you need to round out stories you are writing and help you promote your brands.  

Stories and Sound Bites Subscribe

Spark Creativity, End Writers Block

Savvy Cleaner is a training program based out of Charlotte, North Carolina that trains and certifies professional house cleaners and maids. “The Savvy Cleaner mission is to raise the standards of house cleaning,” says CEO, Angela Brown, a professional cleaner for 25 years, “through knowledge, the right techniques and the right tools.”

Show your audience how to clean, how often to clean, how to clean on a budget, when they are short on time, the “must do’s” every day, and more. Free tips to your inbox weekly. Partner with us on stories, quotes and brand deals that integrate with trending topics.

“Everybody deserves to live in a clean home. We give your audience the tools they need to do that.”

– Angela Brown, CEO Savvy Cleaner
Show Host: Ask a House Cleaner

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