30-Day Refund Policy

Buy With Confidence

100% Money Back Guarantee

Because I’ve made it my mission to bring this life-changing information into the cleaning world, I’m offering you my personal guarantee:

If for some reason, you’re unhappy with the course(s), and they don’t resonate with you, I’ll refund your money 100% in full for 30 days after your purchase. *Unless you’ve completed the course(s) and your certificate(s) has/have been sent.

Sound fair?

I don’t want there to be any barriers between you and the explosive growth you’re destined to achieve.

Once you understand how to reach the maximum amount of people in your market, in a way that builds authority, credibility, and confidence, I know you’ll go out and contribute to the world at your highest capacity.

– Angela Brown, CEO, Savvy Cleaner Training

End Contract if Neccesary - Preparing for the Worst Satisfaction Guarantee

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