House cleaners commute to every job so mileage tracking is a must. As a business owner, you will be paying fuel costs and possibly mileage reimbursements. Mileage trackers help your employees and independent contractors classify driving destinations and separate personal from business miles. Using a mileage tracker will save you money on your taxes, and back you up for reimbursements to and from your employers and contractors.
NOTE: Some of these apps are free and some are Savvy Cleaner Partners who have agreed to discounted rates for Savvy Cleaner Network members.
TripLog is highly customizable. You can log miles for specific times of the day or set up the tracker for business and personal rides.
TripLog can keep track of all vehicle and business expenses — fuel, parking, tolls, maintenance, insurance, logging, meals — that you can cite as business deductions.
Integrates with: Concur, MIP, QuickBooks Online, Xero, FreshBooks
Stride Tax Mileage Tracking App
Stride is a FREE mileage and expense tracking app that allows you to record your mileage by running it in the background as you drive. This app allows you to track trips manually or automatically.
You can start and stop recording your mileage for each trip by tapping the start button when you leave home – or in some versions of the app, you can set it up to record automatically.