Why No Cussing in the Facebook Group?

No Cussing, Cursing, Swearing Group Policy

Our groups at one time became quite profane, with members calling each other names and telling each other where to go in a bullying way. So, we’ve removed those trigger words, even when they are not used in mean or hateful ways. I know it’s a petty thing, I’m sorry.

No Cussing Spacer, Savvy Cleaner

Cuss words we’ve banned from our groups are Shit, Damn, Fuck, Hell, Bitch, Bastard, Asshole, and Cunt. Using these words in any form can get you removed from the group. They are not useful, positive, encouraging, or professional.

Let’s Be Professional

We are professional groups. If you can’t follow these rules, please find another group. We are not a good fit for you.

There are 171,476 words in the English language. We ask you to refrain from seven or eight of them for a better user experience.

Savvy Cleaner Greenbar

Appeal Your Status

If you’ve been removed from one of our FB groups you can appeal your status for reconsideration.

Common Ways to Ask This Question

  • Why can’t I curse in the Facebook group?
  • Why isn’t cussing allowed in the Facebook group?
  • What’s the big deal about cuss words in the FB group?
  • Why is profanity not allowed in the Facebook group?
  • Why can’t I swear in the FB group?
  • Why was my post removed for swearing?
  • Why no cussing in the FB group?
    Is this the FB group where you can’t swear?
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