Third-Party Certificates

Third-Party Documents Are Extra

Third-party documents are an extra cost. If you have workers’ compensation, that will be noted on your Certificate of Insurance (COI). You can get this free of charge from your insurance provider. Your COI is a document that is included in your annual Verify My Records membership.

You can add any diplomas or third-party certifications for an extra $10 per certificate or document. This is a one-time, non-refundable verification and set up document fee.)

Example: 3 adds = $30
Vaccination Card x $10
College Diploma x $10
BBB Accreditation x $10

Verified Documents Live Forever

Once a verified certificate has been added to your account, it lives forever unless you choose to take it down. When you submit your documents, make sure you follow these sizing guidelines:

Savvy Cleaner Training and Certification verification come with a Verify My Records account, along with insurance verification.

Verify My Records Greenbar 2022

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