Your Order is Processing

Thank you for your order. Your order is processing. Here is what happens next to ensure a speedy delivery of your new custom shirt.

Logos and Logo Creation

Your submission has been sent to the Savvy Cleaner creative team who specialize in graphic design and award winning ad-copy.

They will go over the details of your order and come up with a custom game plan to create for you the perfect shirt that meets your requirements.

Copyright - Legal

The Savvy Cleaner legal team will run a copyright check to make sure that your shirt design does not infringe on any competing designs, logos or verbiage. Once cleared, your shirt will be approved and submitted to the Savvy Cleaner Marketing team.


4 versions of your shirt will be sent to you within 3 business days for proof. 

To make sure the email doesn’t go to spam add t-shirt[at] to your safe senders list. All correspondence for your order will come from that email.

Maximize Your Facebook business Page

Add your proofs to social media and get your friends to vote on the best version.

Let us know which one you choose.


The marketing team at Savvy Cleaner will find the right vendor to produce your order (based on quality, price, turnaround and shipping options.)

Once the store carries your item(s) you can go online and buy one or many of them. 

That’s it. That is how easy it is to create your own custom shirt and gifts.

Did you know that we have a private FB group for funny cleaning shirts? It’s true. Each day we have a drawing to win a free family-friendly cleaning shirt that you can keep or giveaway as part of your own social media contest. Come join us.

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